• We are Serandipians Member Travel Designer
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For more than 30 years Evro Kontakt has been addressing a variety of issues with care and class. The company is renowned for being a class act in all aspects, be it the design and choice of the company uniform, picking the best texture and color of the paper for our “summer” envelopes or the issues that require the most attention and care to make sure our clients experience the best. The task of outmost importance to us is organizing your travel. After all, any journey is an equation with many variables, and the result must always be the same-excellence! We solve the problem for you.

We have devoted a lot of time to fully understand the essence of travelling. We have studied countries and cities, opened the doors of new hotels, inhaled many aromas and tasted many flavors. We have tried everything unknown, interesting and delicious for you!

We constantly improve our service technologies and uncover new directions in the market of tourism. All this allows us to make recommendations that will help you avoid monotony during your journey and enjoy every bit of it.

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